Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Why this diary?

My wife and I stay now in Arkansas, U.S.A.-to be more specific at Bentonville city where the headquarters of WAL-MART-Save Money, Live Better – is situated. Our daughter, NEETHIE, a Software Engineer by profession got appointed recently in WAL-MART's software division as Programmer-Analyst. She has been staying with her husband –Martin Joseph Madathiparambil-and Daughter-Maria- in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. They have their sweet home there. Her new posting in WAL-MART's headquarters necessitated her to leave Dallas and go to Bentonville city, Arkansas State with Maria. We decided to accompany her and thus we are at Bentonville. We came here on November 7th, 2011 and will be with her till 11th, April 2011 as it stands now.

Neethie had an orientation programme in WAL-MART and she then got a book titled: SAM WALTON Made in America. How enterprising he was! He started his life in a simple way and grown to the status of the NO.1 retailer in the world-the richest man as seen in the media. On 7th January,2011 Neethie came with a birthday cake, for it was the 58th birth day of her mother and the CAKE from the WALMART store was an added enthusiasm. After reading the book SAM WALTON Made in America and enjoying the sweet birthday cake, I decided to be more vibrant and enthusiastically active. Hence, I decided to start writing a diary-A CRIMINOLOGIST'S DIARY in my BLOG. I have a lot to share with my people.

Already I began to write in a BLOG about the TRIAL OF UNITED NATIONS- a book I am writing here now. It is in full swing after writing a few points in my BLOG,I asked my daughter and son in law to comment on it. They vociferously said their helplessness to comment on the topic about which both of them had little education. They said further that many might experience the same problem and therefore they suggested that it would be better to have the technical book written and published. Yes, there is a point in their suggestion and my wife, Mary endorsed their view then and there. Fine. A BLOG is intended or should be so for a larger audience/readers and must be written in a lighter way with relaxed muscles avoiding technicalities and jargons. I gladly accepted their suggestion and thus switched over to a popular area-i.e., a DIARY –so that more people will enjoy reading the BLOG. Already, I have started writing in TWITTERS and I find that my TWEETS are appreciated by many. My TWEETS were about the Administration of Justice- an area under fire throughout the world. People want justice and they should get justice. It is their right and no body's charity. That is entirely a different issue and this BLOG is not at all about it.

I put a full stop to my TRIAL OF UNITED NATIONS and now I switch over to this Diary and today is 20th, January, 2011, a nice day to begin. There is snowing outside and my granddaughter does not go to pre-school today. "Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear"-this is an oft quoted English saying, but I assure you that you can believe everything that I write in this Diary, for it contains only truth, nothing but truth and written by me and I have the firsthand experience, information and knowledge of what I write in my Diary from today onwards. (to be continued…)

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