Monday, January 31, 2011

A Criminologist’s Diary-12

Pest control and Police firing

-5 degree Celsius is the temperature outside today at Bentonville and there is ice everywhere. The entire area is seen as Himalayas in our cinema. I do not think that any insects, reptiles or mammals can live here unless they are created with a capacity to withstand this extreme climate. A few days ago, we went to a zoo and we could take our car inside the zoo and drive. A variety of animals and birds are in the zoo and we drove our car seeing them. Some came to us and many visitors in front and behind us took photographs of the animals. We could not photograph them as we forgot to take our camera. I asked Martin and Neethie:" How do these animals, reptiles and birds survive the extreme climate? "They did not answer my query as they did not know the answer. They told me that the zoo would be closed for outsiders during the extreme climate. Anyway, today, when I looked out, I could see not less than 500 sparrows –like birds flying in the sky. Of course, God's special creations with capacity to withstand any extreme climate!

I do not see mosquitoes here and I think that ordinarily, they cannot survive here in this extreme climate- coldness. Or, they must be specially created mosquitoes. I saw a small spider inside the apartment and then I asked:" How come spiders here?" Mary replied my question:" Specially created spiders" for Bentonville, Arkansas. Neethie added to Mary's comments saying that the pest department was very serious about pest control and they could be called if pests were seen. Good. They have immediate remedy for their problems. The people are also conscious about the pests and they take care of their protection.

In Kerala, pests are a real problem and what do we do against the pests? I have little or no information about the working of a pest department there and any activity to control or destroy pests. When some epidemic like Chicken guinea attacks the people, the mosquitos are blamed for it. Then the Corporation Authorities come up with an occasional fogging to kill the mosquitoes. The Health Department has some projects against mosquitoes/malaria. In my compound at Mannammoola where I live, I find centipedes, millipedes, pests of many descriptions, reptiles ,mad dogs, worms of all categories, snails of every type, wastes thrown to public roads, flies of many kinds, rats and what not? Should we not think about a permanent pest department which is ever active and vigilant? Or should we continue to declare regional bandhs, road blocks, truck-destruction, dharnas and mass destruction to see the eyes of authorities open. Or, are we to think that the pests can be controlled by suppressing public reactions and agitations by police muscles, lathy charges and as a last resort, by police firing?

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