Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Criminologist's Dairy-62

A Criminologist’s Dairy-62

LESS JUSTICE Administration

I wrote a book titled THE JUSTICE LESS ADMINISTERED and I wrote in it what was meant by LESS JUSTICE. I do not want to say that it is ‘duplicate justice’ or ‘fake justice’ or ‘adulterated justice ‘or ‘injustice’. It is not ‘wounded justice’, not ‘miscarriage of justice’, not ‘perverted justice’, is not ‘decayed justice’, not ‘injustice’ at all and that is all!

‘Full justice ‘means 100% justice. Any justice less than 100% justice is called rightly LESS JUSTICE.

Make an analysis of the following situations-

(1) Commission of crime was taken note of police, but they took an indifferent attitude or they closed their eyes. Pressures exerted and then a case was registered.

(2) Commission of crime was reported to police, but they took a negative attitude. Influence was exerted and then a case was registered. There was undue delay in the registration of the case.

(3) A case was registered, no further steps were taken seriously to protect the scene of crime, inspect the scene of crime and collect evidence. Political force was exerted and then necessary steps were taken.

(4) Inspection of the scene of crime was done in a perfunctory manner by unqualified or under-qualified police officials. Resultantly, contamination of evidence took place without any malicious motives.

(5) Evidence collected from the scene of crime was not sent for forensic examination; was sent but in an unscientific way. There was contamination of evidence and the test results were far way from being satisfactory.

(6) Many people were unnecessarily questioned and harassed. A few people were arrested and interrogated by unqualified or under-qualified police officials. Witnesses were interviewed in an unbecoming way by investigating officials. Third degree methods were used for getting confessions and torture was resorted to for getting information.

(7) Search was conducted at odd hours even by intruding into the privacies of, seizures were made in an untrustworthy manner, property plundered and not included in the search list, false witnesses were produced.

(8) Overenthusiasm and extra-sense of justice made the police to concoct evidence, to produce tutored witnesses and manipulate records.

(9) The prosecutors conducted the case in an indifferent way or with overenthusiasm and extra-interest or with false witnesses or with fake evidence etc.

(10)The judges were partial, prejudiced, parochial and unjust with preconceived theories, bias and prejudices. They had a defective development of personality and perverted attitudes and outlook. They wrote the judgments accordingly.

(11)The prisons were punitive institutions and thus one sees administration of ‘something’ which is’ less than justice’ and one may call it ANYTHING but not justice proper! This is called LESS JUSTICE.

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