Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Criminologist's Diary-59

A Criminologist’s Diary-59

PUSH-PULL-EGO Factor Theory

The quest for identifying the causative aspects of crime and criminal behavior has a long history from demonology to victimology. Nevertheless, none of the approaches or theories explains the causes of crime and criminal behavioural satisfactorily to me. I have beeen researching on the subject for a considerably long time and formulated a theory which I wish to call PUSH-PULL-EGO FACTOR theory.

What are the PUSH factors in a man? They are the psychological forces which are seen in people from their conception and they can be anything from instincts (drives), motives, emotions etc. PULL factors are the environmental factors which may be sociological, cultural, religious, ethical etc. and what not? They work outside the person-around him. The Push and Pull factors interact and this interaction will bring out a product called ‘EGO’ which behaves. In other words, PUSH factors (Plus or Minus or Division or Multiplication) PULL factors is equal to EGO. The EGO differs from person to person. Take for example, Water is produced by H2O [Hydrogen and Oxygen]. If Hydrogen and Oxygen are in a different way combined, a still different product other than water will be obtained. Likewise, the EGO of every man is different depending upon the nature of interaction between the PUSH and PULL factors. This is unique in an individual..

Why do people commit crimes? In my view, the EGO of a person is responsible for it. If the EGO is formed in an upright way in the right direction, one will not commit a crime. It is because; he will have guilt feelings which will follow him like a shadow. This theory is acceptable to explain any type of crimes including the nexus crimes, organized crimes, conviction crimes, Mafia crimes, white collar crimes in addition to the traditional crimes. People who commit crimes will have the prick of conscience depending upon the development of their EGO .If the environments (PULL factors) are good ,the PUSH factors will interact with them in a desirable manner; if not, they will interact with them in an undesirable way. Ultimately an EGO is formed. Any explanation to show the causative factors of crime without bringing Morality Contents cannot and will not take us anywhere. This is the defect in the sociological, psychological and other theories in criminology.

Man is the only being with Morality Consciousness. He is a rational being and as such, anything a man does cannot be committed with intelligence by animals. Man can commit crimes in an intelligent way as he is, as said above, a rational being .Thus a lot of crimes like the nexus crimes, white collar crimes, conviction crimes etc., is committed. Those who commit them have an EGO. If that EGO is formed in an upright way in the right direction, he will have guilt feelings; if not, he will not have the guilt feelings. Therefore, we can say that the EGO is the causative factor in the commission of crimes.

This is called PUSH-PULL-EGO FACTOR theory in criminology.

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