Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Criminologist's Diarty-54

A Criminologist’s Diary-54

PARTISM’ as an offence in India

Humanism as seen in Webster’s Dictionary is any system or mode of thought or action in which human interest, values and dignity predominate.

Humanitarianism means having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people and in ethics, it means the doctrine that humanity’s obligations are concerned wholly with the welfare of the human race.

Thus one sees many ‘…isms’ and thus we take note of terrorism as well as terror causing ‘…isms’ in Indian society. In simple terms, the terror causing ‘…isms’ are those behavioural patterns of people- either singly or in group- which cause terror- i.e., unsettling of human mind-in weak people that some calamity is going to take place if they do not yield to his or their vested interest/s and who show a particular behavioural pattern to achieve his or their objectives. O.K., then what is ‘PARTISM’?

‘PARTY’ means a political party here and therefore it means a group of persons with common political opinions and purposes organized for gaining political influence and governmental control and for directing government policies[ Webster’s] The word ‘PARTISM’ may not be seen in a dictionary in the meaning used in this discussion although there is ‘party politics’ given in the Webster’s. It means politics based on strict adherence to the politics and principles of a political party regardless of the public interest; partisan loyalism.


Listen to the following attitudes and approaches of the people belonging to a political party-

(1) As individuals, the party men are not corrupt. But they accept corruption money for the party. They want party fund and therefore, the corruption is justified and they get the full support of the party and encouragement.

(2) It is the policy of the party to excuse, justify, tolerate, encourage or promote any undesirable acts if done for the benefit of the party. Therefore, any damage or destruction caused to any individual, institution etc. is fully understandable and therefore happily justified. Any attack or riot or murder or arson committed is fully excused or justified, highly appreciated and encouraged/promoted. It is good for strengthening of the political party- and increasing the vote bank.

(3) The party is more important than the Government in power. Therefore, anything or everything can be done for the party although it may not good for the Government or administration.

Of late, huge corruption cases ,incredible amassing of wealth by politicians for them and their political party, collection of fund from undeclared sources and foreign agencies, clandestine depositing of black money in India and abroad, laundering of black money, participation in anti-nationalist activities are reported . Nevertheless, they get full political support and Governmental god-fathering. Resultantly, many crimes they commit become ‘NO CRIMES’, rather ‘VIRTUES’ for strengthening the party and for increasing the vote bank. This sort of crime is called ‘PARTISM’ and it should be declared as an offence in the Penal Code. In simple terms, ’PARTISM’ means commission or omission of crimes solely or partly for the political party to which politicians belong to. Unless, ’PARTISM’ is punished, India is going to have many crimes which, though crimes in law, are justified, excused, encouraged, promoted etc. It will surely destroy the Country at last!

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