Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Criminologist's Diary-46

A Criminologist’s Diary-46

Grass-eater Crimes


Meat-eater Crimes

What are the ‘Suite Crimes? ‘The immediate answer is “I do not know” Why? Many have no idea of such crimes taking place in palatial suits in the 5 star or 7 star hotels or Resorts where there exists very tight security. The ordinary policemen or the patrolmen do not have any access to such suites. Crimes and business worth crores of Indian rupees are being transacted there and the Penal Code, magistrates’ Courts, prosecutors, do not and cannot go there. High level bureaucrats, ministers of the Government, senior politicians, middle men/ commission agents, top level police functionaries, very senior lawyers including judges of the higher judiciary and so on transact ‘business’ at very high levels. The penal codes do not define such crimes as they were enacted much before these crimes came in to being.

On the opposite side of ‘Suite Crimes’, we have the ‘Slum Crimes’ – i.e., hooch production, hooch distribution, hooch transportation, small scale gambling like cards play (under a tree in villages), fly-play (which means that the poor people bring beedies and they keep them in a distributive way at some place and they watch. If a fly comes and sits on a beedi, they see to it that all the beedies kept there by the participants are taken by the one on whose beedi the fly sits down. This is gambling technically as it is a chance play since nobody can say where the fly will sit beforehand) etc., theft of chicken/coconuts, small scale shop-lifting, affray etc.-which are very clearly defined in the Penal Codes. The bottom level policemen, the lowest level criminal courts, the newly enrolled lawyers and fresh prosecutors have the power to set the law into motion and see to it that the crime-doers are punished often with imprisonment which may extend to a few days/weeks/months or years. Thus the crimes of nuisance- value are dealt with by iron hands whereas the crimes which sell the COUNTRY or ruin the NATION are just ignored like that and then promoted and encouraged. Of late, the spectrum case in which a Minister at the Central Government is under CBI probe is just an example in point. Yes, ANCHOVY is caught, killed and eaten whereas the SHARKS are lavishly fed.

In fact, the Anchovy Crimes are called Grass-eater crimes whereas the Shark crimes are called Meat eater crimes. Why?

Worms which eat the grass or leaves, when seen even by little children of tender years, are caught and mercilessly killed. The special noise produced by mosquitos irritates all of us and likewise the nuisance created by the Grass eater criminals really annoy many of us whereas the Meat eater criminals are not even known to the general public. The carnivorous animals (flesh eating), leaving a few types, live in thick forests and therefore their crimes are not even known to the common men

The nexus crimes, organized crimes, consensus crimes, some of the bureaucratic crimes, corruption of the high order etc. are put under the meat eater group of crimes. Ordinarily, no one has the courage to approach the ‘carnivorous’ animals and precisely therefore they commit crimes remaining in comfort zones. If at all some media men come forward, they will be subjected to many sufferings which ultimately push or pull them down If they survive the crises, then some legal action will be initiated which usually will have a premature death and inconspicuous burial. The meat eater crimes taking place in various spheres are many and no one is ,it seems to me, punished. They will continue as leaders, administrators, public men, judges of integrity, high level business men and what or who not? They rule the country! The meat eaters are adorned or adored. They are the GODS on EARTH. They have their own KINGDOMS to rule and the penal laws are helpless, voiceless and ineffective. They are above grammar and hence-

SHARK criminals Zindabad; ANCHOVY criminals Murdabad!

SUITE criminals Zindabad; SLUM criminals Murdabad!

MEAT EATER criminals Zindabad; GRASS EATER criminals Murdabad!

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