Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Criminologist’s Diary-15

Filth that cuts the bone

Neethie showed me a BLOG when we were in Dallas and it was all about a religious institution. Many Malayalees are members of that organization and the BLOG contained filth-abusive words-foul expressions against some religious leaders and community leaders. The language is so mean and cheap that it is difficult to hear such penetrating expressions even in the fish markets in Kerala. When I read the BLOG,I felt so sorry about our fellow brethren in USA-that they have come all the way from that subcontinent to shout against one another, in filthy language!

Can aggression go to this extent of calling abusive words? Let the Psychologists who studied verbal aggression in abnormal and criminal psychology answer the question. Certainly, there might have been something wrong in the developmental period of those who employed such verbal slaps to maintain their homeostasis at the moments of frustration. What is wrong in our culture?

Political aggression, communal riots and religious bigotry ,labour disputes, students' unrest, agrarian clashes, interdenominational fights, fights among political parties and among communal forces, terrorism ,Naxalism, fundamentalism, regionalism-and everywhere we hear slogans of all categories, jhadhas and demonstrations, shouting of verbal abuses much so that aggression-physical, verbal, sadistic, vicarious- has become a part and parcel of of our social life and cultural upbringing. Children who are born and brought up in such a culture continue to behave in the same way even in a foreign land ,if that is possible, forgetting that they are being watched by the whites ,blacks, Mexicans and others form very many countries. What an impression they will have about the culture and finer aspects of life in God's Own Country!

Decency and common sense do not permit me to reproduce the filthy expressions in the BLOG here. If I do so, I will be doing an injustice to myself, my country, my people and my brethren living in USA. My humble advice to them is not to wash the dirty linen in public- not to publicize their negative feelings and ill-feelings in BLOGs in full or part indecency. When one humiliates another, he humiliates himself and his behavior affects all in that community adversely. Why should they preach religion if they can't have religious thoughts? The BLOG is a mixture of religious thoughts, functions, prayers, prayer songs etc., and filty, abusive, indecent expressions and words which the most wretched people on earth or in any culture will be afraid to use. May God forgive them and let them project the noble and the sublime culture of Kerala-Malayala Nadu-everywhere.

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