Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Criminologist's Diary-37

A Criminologist’s Diary-37

Going to Heaven & Loving Success

I went to Bentonville Public Library and found a beautiful reading room where the wisdom of several generations down the millennia could be seen. I just took a book and read:

“Everyone loves to go to heaven, but no one is prepared to die”.

“Everyone loves success, but no one likes successful people”.

I read them again and again; reflected them again and again- having seated on a chair in the library. For two days ago, I listened to a T.V. talk in which a person in a religious garb (I do not know whether or not that person is really religious) was speaking about how to go to heaven or Moksha. It was a wonderful talk worth listening and one might be inclined to die at the earliest and for which he would have no option, but to commit suicide. Anyway, I was not prepared to die by such a short cut method for going to Moksha, yet I thought that he could successfully do so.

I came back home and again listened to a T.V. discussion in which I could listen to two political leaders belonging to the ruling front and the opposition parties talking about making the Nation a heaven or Moksha on earth. I found them accusing each other and the political party to which each one of them belonged. Both of them claimed success, but none of them really liked successful people either in their own party or in the opposition party. It was a sort of verbal abuses and hence I switched off the T.V.

There is a growing feeling and a real reality that some political parties are richer than the Governments in power. The Governments coming to power have no money and they are in perpetual debts and hence no Moksha for them. At the same time, the political parties are abundant in richness and they have black and white money. Or they know how to convert black money to white. Some politicians are richer than many business magnets and we have any number of such news items to prove the observation. All love to make the Nation a Moksha, but do not do anything positively to achieve the objective. They become richer and fatter.

There is a growing feeling and a real reality that many so- named religious leaders and speakers are richer than some of the political leaders and many richer or affluent people in society. The offerings, donations, contributions etc. received in the name of God are beyond the imagination of man. They take all of us to Moksha or heaven after death. It has been found that the richest Mafias identified so far were in the name of religion.

Both ‘politicians’ and the so-called ‘religious men’ are jealous people and they do not really like successful people, if they do not become the ultimate winners. The number of crimes committed by both of them to make the Nation a heaven on earth or, if that is not possible, to take the people direct to heaven after their death is innumerable and beyond human conception. Their success is the success in committing crimes in perpetual hopes-hopes against hopes or hopes that will remain always hopes!

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