Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Criminologist's Diary-38

A Criminologist’s Diary-38


‘Judicial Crimes’ are not defined in any penal codes, for there existed no such crimes till date or if at all there existed such crimes, they were not taken note of. If at all they were taken note of, no action was initiated against the culprits. Hence, those who successfully committed crimes under the colour of your uniform or under the cover of their authority and position have been living in comfort zones. No one had the courage to peep into (why to think of investigating them) the safety areas of judiciary. They were the Roman Kings and above grammar!

In India, ‘judicial crimes’ are widely discussed in these days. ‘Judicial notice’ has a special and specific meaning in law practice. ’Judicial Crimes’ are not to be defined or viewed in that sense or way. There are a number of traditional crimes which lawyers, judges and those employed in judicial service commit. They too are not categorized under ‘Judicial Crimes’. For example, manipulation of records by lawyers, production of concocted evidence or tutored witnesses, acceptance of corruption money and false evidence afterwards etc., are classified under traditional crimes and precisely therefore they do not have any place in ‘Judicial Crimes’. I may prefer to give a specific description (not definition) to ‘Judicial Crimes’.

‘Judicial Crimes’ are the crimes which one may get by combining nexus crimes, consensus crimes and white collar crimes put together. ‘Nexus crimes’ have the leaders, bureaucrats, middlemen, goondas plus business men put together and they work as nexus partners. The unholy relations that exist among them bring money and other advantages for the nexus partners. In ‘Consensus Crimes ‘one notices that there is an agreement among the crime-doers and the beneficiaries. In ‘White Collar ‘crimes, the crimes are committed during the course of their profession/occupation.

Thus, the ‘Judicial Crimes’ have-

(1) Nexus Crime Partners: i.e., the leaders + Judicial Officers+ Business men + Middlemen (Dalals) and Gang squad (Goondas).

(2) Consensus Crime Partners: i.e., the Judicial Officer on one side and all others mentioned against (1) above on the other side.

(3) White Collar Crimes: The crime is committed during the course of the profession of the judicial officers.

The ultimate result is that all in the Syndicate are benefitted monetarily and otherwise. People do not know anything much about it and they are the most honourable men on earth-the ‘IDOLS’ in the people’s mind. Hence, a ‘Judicial Crime’ is a crime of a special nature and it has nothing to do with the judicial notice, judiciary, and judicial officers and so on except that the crime is committed by judicial officers with ulterior motives.

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